
If you are born poor its not your mistake. But if you die poor its your mistake. – Bill Gates To get our financial foundation right, you will need to avoid these 5 common mistakes and set your financial foundation…

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How have I figured out my earning potentials? When I started looking into different income streams, one of the biggest things that helped me was breaking down what I could earn into specific groups. I identified six different earning tracks that came…

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Why don’t people know about this secret that is right under their noses? The best Fixed Deposit in town can range from 0.9 to 4% per annum! Agree? if you have better rates, do share them with us! Now, are…

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As those who lived through the late 1970s and early 1980s can attest, inflation can be a “wealth killer” because it erodes purchasing power. Inflation revved up to 7% in December’21 compared to the year prior, the highest level in…

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